Prime Minister takes credit at COP 26 for Australian efforts made despite him

Prime Minister takes credit at COP 26 for Australian efforts made despite him

On 1 November 2021, our Prime Minister told the world at COP26 how we are going to contribute to a livable future:

“It will be our scientists, technologists, engineers, entrepreneurs, industrialists and financiers that will chart this path to net zero – and it is up to us as leaders to back them in”. (1)

I’m confused by this. Every group he’s mentioned there has been betrayed, ignored or abandoned by his government. Not only is he not ‘backing them in’, he’s actively hamstringing them.

How will scientists chart this path, when research funding has been slashed?

“the (university) sector is projected to lose around 21,000 jobs, of which 7,000 are estimated to be research-related.”

(2) – The Conversation May 2020

“Widespread job insecurity, a spike in workloads and fatigue, and devastating job losses are eroding the morale of Australia’s science workforce at a time when we need science at its strongest.”

(3) – Science & Technology Australia, Oct 2021

“Australia invests just 1.79% of GDP into research and development. The rate has fallen steadily over the last decade and is now less than half that of global innovation leaders like Israel and South Korea, and below the global average for advanced economies.”

(4) – Innovation Australia, Oct 2021

How will technologists & engineers find answers when tertiary education in their fields has been crippled?

“Australia’s higher education sector is bracing for an “ugly” 2022 after budget cuts to universities and Tafe funding that critics warn will result in job losses, poorer course quality and less research in medicine and technology….total government funding for higher education will “decrease by 8.3% in real terms” between this financial year and next year, and “decrease by 9.3% in real terms from 2021-22 to 2024-25”.”

(5) – The Guardian May 2021

“Where in 1989 universities derived more than 80% of their operating costs from the public purse, now it is estimated to be less than 40% – a figure well below the OECD average for public investment in tertiary education. Universities are estimated to lose around A$3-4.6 billion in revenue from international student fees in 2020 alone, and more in 2021……The government has locked universities out of JobKeeper – its COVID-19 wage subsidy scheme – despite the fact the sector is projected to lose around 21,000 jobs, of which 7,000 are estimated to be research-related.”

(2) – The Conversation May 2020

And the entrepreneurs and industrialists – are they the same ones who have been desperately forced to fund their own decarbonisation as they face the risk of losing international investment?

“Since 2005, the shambolic approach from Canberra — abrupt policy reversals, leadership vacuums, indecision and broken promises – has meant any progress Australia has made on climate policy has been driven almost entirely by a frustrated private sector increasingly alarmed about the prospect of being isolated by global investors.”

(6) – ABC April 2021

I assume the financiers are the ones that are refusing to fund the coal and gas projects you champion, Scott? And when they do refuse, you threaten to haul them in to an inquiry?

“Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has thrown his support behind a proposed inquiry that will grill financial regulators and banks over plans to pull back on lending or insuring mining projects because of climate change. Big banks including the ANZ, which has ruled out financing any new coal mines or coal-fired power stations and asked its biggest clients to provide plans to decarbonise, are expected to be hauled in front of the parliamentary probe to be chaired by Coalition climate sceptic George Christensen.”

(7) – Sydney Morning Herald Dec 2020

It seems to me Scott that you are taking credit for all the work done, by us, despite you.

I’m a representative of one industry – tourism – that has also been completely ignored by your government, despite its massive contribution to the Australian economy. I’m also an active supporter of scientific research, and believe it is critical to protecting biodiversity.

Header pic: Janine leading a group of university science students on placement.









Birding around Cann River & Noorinbee, East Gippsland

Birding around Cann River & Noorinbee, East Gippsland

Cann River in far eastern Victoria, Australia could be a productive spot for birds, in a region known for bird richness. Locals have hinted that there are good birds around – including Channel-billed Cuckoos regularly – but the localities of Cann River and Noorinbee seem under-birded, probably for a number of reasons.

Only one eBird hotspot existed for all of Cann River, but with 113 species & 57 checklists. From there north to the Victorian border there were just another 3 hotspots, all with 1 checklist each.

Birdata doesn’t have much more: a wide area around Noorinbee has eight surveys with an impressive 142 species; Noorinbee North has just four surveys, but 109 species.

Jacky Winter Noorinbee


In a town where you can see Channel-billed Cuckoos and White-winged Choughs, Black-faced Monarchs and Jacky Winters, I felt that the area was worth a bit of my time. Also there is now an excellent cafe in Cann River: Wild Rye’s Bakery, offering top notch coffee, pastries and toasties. They even have soy and vegan options.

Great cafe in Cann River Wild Rye's

For years I drove past the Cann River Bushland Reserve, partly because the name didn’t appeal or inform – I’ve seen plenty of very ordinary bushland reserves near towns – and partly because I was always on my way to Mallacoota.

Then Joe Stephens & Sally Cantrill, and Adelaide Kraina from Cann River started sharing some nice pics and interesting bird highlights on the facebook group Mallacoota Birds. Chatting with Joe over cappuccino at Wild Rye’s Bakery, he said that the Cann River bushland reserve rainforest walk was every bit as good as the Cabbage Tree Palms walk near Orbost. That’s a big call. I had to check it out then.

Brown Goshawk immature Cann River


Cann River turned out to be worth every minute I spent, and much more. I’ll be back.

Here’s some of the birding we did around Cann River & Noorinbee in December 2020, with Martin & Frances Butterfield from Mallacoota.

Wedge-tailed Eagle Noorinbee East Gippsland


Site: Cann River Rainforest Walk (Bushland Reserve)

This is really an extraordinary walk. Based on one visit, I think Joe could be right that it rivals the Palms.

The walk goes through mature Lilly Pilly rainforest, open wet schlerophyll forest, visits the reed and cumbungi-lined river bank and has views across the river flats. Most of the walk isn’t burnt.

Highlights were Black-faced Monarch, Brown Gerygone, Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Sacred Kingfisher, Shining Bronze and Fan-tailed Cuckoos, Olive-backed Oriole, Brown Goshawk and Scarlet Honeyeater.

There is, and will be, plenty of rainforest fruit for birds. Muttonwood is present and forming fruit in December 2020. Prickly Currant-bush was heavy with ripe fruit. Lilly Pilly was flowering.

Red Wattlebird feeding Prickly Coprosma

Enter the walk from the caravan park entry road just west of Cann River town. Toilets are available at the caravan park, and there’s a few picnic tables at the carpark.

I’ve made a specific hotspot for this walk, as previously the only hotspot in the area was the generic Cann River, which really doesn’t guide visitors.

eBird Hotspot: Cann River Bushland Reserve — Rainforest Walk

Eastern Yellow Robin in rainforest Cann River


7km north of Cann River the locality of Noorinbee has some very promising sites. The river flats here are/were dominated by Gippsland (Coast) Grey Box Eucalyptus bosistoana – an elegant, large tree. Seeing these is worth the drive. The scenery in places is stunning, with huge paddock trees scattered across the floodplain and rugged mountains framing the view. The contrast between fairly dry woodland and rainforest beside the river offers some possibilities.

I understand there is a Grey Box Reserve, which I believe is just south-east of Noorinbee. It was burnt in the Black Summer megafires, and would be worth exploring as the trees recover.

Driving through Noorinbee, passing West Cann Rd, I heard the distinctive call of a Rufous Songlark – not a common sighting in East Gippsland. We returned to this site later and found two songlarks and other open country birds.

Jacky Winter juvenile Noorinbee


Site: Monaro Hwy at West Cann Rd south, Noorinbee

Bird highlights were a singing pair of Rufous Songlarks that attracted us to stop. Many Jacky Winters were present and calling, doing song flights back and forth across the farmland and house garden. Dusky Woodswallows, Yellow-rumped Thornbills and a Restless Flycatcher were present in the house garden and adjacent paddock.

In the drainage line that fills a small waterhole a Grey Teal and a pair of Pacific Black Ducks, plus several Willie Wagtails and more Jacky Winters.

The site comprises open farmland, a house garden with fruit trees, a drainage line, and remnant bushland along the highway. Please be cautious of invading the privacy of the landowners.

eBird Hotspot: Monaro Hwy at West Cann Rd south… I suggested as public hotspot, but not accepted by eBird (yet?)

Rufous Songlark Noorinbee East Gippsland

Cissus hypoglauca flowers Noorinbee VIC


Site: Reedbed Creek Rd at West Cann Road, Noorinbee

The West Cann Road (south end) is worth a drive – it crosses the floodplain and then a bridge over the Cann River, where it joins Reedbed Creek Road. Continue onto Reedbed Creek Road to a small bridge over a creek (see bridge on map below). The rainforest is spectacular, mature and vine-rich (shown in blue on map below). A walk along the roadside towards Combienbar Trail is well worthwhile (see yellow dotted line below). The Cann Valley State Forest joins Reedbed Creek Road for about 500m immediately south of the junction with Combienbar Trail. I imagine it would be possible to walk into the rainforest here from any point on Reedbed Ck or Combienbar Trail. There is also a cleared strip for the gas pipeline about 250m up Combienbar Trail, but its on the top of the hill. I will check it out next time.

Everything else is private property, so please be mindful. See map below.

We saw 29 species along here including Superb Lyrebird, Gang-gangs, Black-faced Monarchs and a Wedge-tailed Eagle.

eBird hotspot: Reedbed Ck Rd at West Cann Rd, Noorinbee (suggested as public hotspot, not accepted yet). Please use this GPS to submit lists: -37.4991564,149.1531438


West Cann Road continues north through farmland and joins the Monaro Hwy again at Noorinbee North at a place called Double Bridges. The farmland is good for Australasian Pipit, Jacky Winter, Grey Teal & Australian Wood Duck. A mob of 14 Eastern Grey Kangaroos were also seen.

Australasian Richards Pipit east Gippsland


Noorinbee North is only 18km north of Cann River, so an easy drive. Coopracambra National Park – one of Victoria’s most remote and barely visited National Parks – appears to the east of the Monaro Highway as you approach Noorinbee North.

The Double Bridges are bridges over the Log Bridge Creek, and the Cann River. We were told about it by a local friend, Glenn Herbert, in Orbost. Most of the land around is seriously fenced-off private farmland, but there is access to the Cann River from below the bridge down a wombat or wallaby track. This is where we saw an Azure Kingfisher.

This site was the least exciting of all the sites we visited, mostly because there’s nowhere to walk except the roadside. It has some good birds though.


Site: Monaro Hwy at Double Bridges (Noorinbee North)

Fairly open vegetation near a river, with river birds: Azure Kingfisher, Australian Reed-warbler, Welcome Swallow, Australian Swamphen. Also open country birds: Nankeen Kestrel, Jacky Winter and forest birds: Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Olive-backed Oriole, Rufous & Golden Whistlers. Surprisingly we heard Brush Cuckoo from the north, though we didn’t find any rainforest there. Basically just birding along roadsides, and along the river reserve.

We parked the car at the red dot (an open area with track junctions) and walked to the rainforest and then doubled back to the Cann River.

Map of Double Bridges, Noorinbee North


eBird Hotspot: Monaro Hwy at Double Bridges (Noorinbee North)

Cann River Bridge on Monaro Highway Noorinbee North


The Cann River streamside reserve abuts the Monaro Hwy just 250m north of the West Cann Road junction, just south of Back Creek – this then joins Coopracambra. This area may be worth a look.

Further north along the Monaro Highway near Chandlers Creek locality there was one eBird hotspot for Beehive Ck Falls with one checklist of 8 birds from 2015. In the interests of filling out existing hotspots we made the journey. Sadly it was burnt recently in the Black Summer megafires, but we still saw some birds, and added 12 species to the hotspot.


Site: Beehive Creek Falls, Coopracamba NP

The bush is quite severely burnt at the falls themselves (see area shown hashed on map), but most eucalypts have epicormic growth at December 2020, one year after the mega-fires. The bush along the road before the site, from the highway turnoff to the private property junction, has been burnt but less severely and trees have retained their canopy.

Map showing Beehive Creek Falls Chandlers Creek

Find site by driving along the WB Line just south of Chandlers Creek. Road and Beehive Falls are signposted from Monaro Hwy. 50m off the highway, before you cross the Cann River you’ll come to a carpark and picnic ground (shown on map with red dot), with a sign pointing to Beehive Creek Falls 2km.

Another 1+km you come to a junction, which is signposted Beehive Creek Falls to right, private property to left. Travel another approx 1km to the falls, which are visible from the road. After you see the very small falls there is a widening of the track where you can park and turn around, and another just a little further (shown as red dots on map). There’s no sign at the site.

eBird Hotspot: Beehive Creek Falls

Flying Duck Orchid in burnt area Coopracamba NP Beehive Falls

Beehive Creek Falls after megafires Coopracambra


Site: Bellbird Track, Cann River

Another spot worth exploring is Reedbed Creek Road to the Princes Hwy – it is possible to use this route to create a round-trip. Bellbird Track joins Reedbed Ck Rd 4.8km from the Princes Hwy, it is a fairly good 2WD track in most weather. The area surprised me with the calls of several Scarlet Robins – not a really common bird in lowland East Gippsland. I estimated four, saw three, in different locations, but there could have been more as I was hearing them constantly.

We stopped about half way along (~800m), on a big bend and walked into the open forest with very low understory. The bush here was lightly burnt, but has retained canopy.

eBird hotspot: Bellbird Tk, Cann River


Thankyou to Roger Smith, Martin & Frances Butterfield for contributing to the explorations, Joe Stephens for tips, and Adelaide Kraina for welcoming us to visit her lovely property.

Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 14 to 17 October 2019

Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 14 to 17 October 2019

Highlights of this spring journey to far East Gippsland:
Mammals: Platypus (Ornithorhychus anatinus), Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), Bare-nosed Wombat (Vombatus ursinus) Red-necked Wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus), Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and Common Brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula) Swamp Wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) and Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus)

Reptiles: Eastern Long-necked Turtle (Chelodina longicollis), Jacky Lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus), Gippsland Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii howittii) Copper-tailed Skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus) and Guichenot’s Skink (Lampropholis guichenoti)

Jacky Lizard East Gippsland October 2019
Jacky Lizard near the Snowy River, East Gippsland. Pic by Wildlife Guide Martin Maderthaner

Birds particularly Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres), Rufous Whistler, Mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum), Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus), Hooded Plover (Thinornis cucullatus),  Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Australasian Darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae), Little Tern (Sternula albifrons), White-browed Woodswallow (Artamus superciliosus), Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus), Sooty Shearwater (Ardenna grisea) and many others.

Wildlife Guide: Martin Maderthaner
Areas visited: Orbost, Marlo, Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Beach, Raymond Island, Cape Conran Coastal Park, Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve, Lake Tyers Forest, Snowy River National Park, Buchan Caves Reserve, Croajingolong National Park, The Lakes National Park.

For more pics go to:


Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019Wildlife Journey checklist October 2019

You Yangs region Master Plan: Our response

You Yangs region Master Plan: Our response

1. Summary

The You Yangs Region has a proven track record as a significant, sought after destination for international travellers seeking high quality wildlife experiences. Currently over 10,000 international travellers visit the region each year to see, enjoy and help conserve wildlife in the wild!

A recent Branding Strategy commissioned by Tourism Greater Geelong and the Bellarine identified numerous stand-out assets the region offers including “the all natural exhilaration of a ‘wild and free’ oasis of (Australian) experiences, just a stone’s throw from the city.”

You Yangs on National Geographic Channel

The You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary are the major drawcards for this type of tourism yet both places are vastly undervalued for their potential to drive economic growth and community security in the region.

Recent research (1) shows that sustainably-managed Wildlife Tourism can be a major driving force in drawing local communities together, bringing respect for the environment coupled with consistent and reliable economic growth.

This document describes how the region can become an iconic Wildlife Tourism destination bringing high yielding, low impact visitors to Geelong, Victoria and Australia, thereby bringing pride, respect and income into the region.

A Conservation and Wildlife Tourism Zone and associated Tourism Hub have been identified as the best technique for bringing the region into focus as a Wildlife Tourism destination.

Aboriginal People continue to see the You Yangs as highly significant to their lives. Using our experience working with local Aboriginal People we have touched upon a few ideas that will include the Aboriginal Community in the ongoing process of defining the future of the region. NB – Our suggestions must been seen as requiring significant Aboriginal input and are included as a starting point only.

Finally, we have dealt with the impacts of Climate Change and suggested ways in which even this can be used to improve the offering that the You Yangs region can give the world.

We ask that Parks Victoria and the Project Control Group see this submission as a completely achievable plan to place the You Yangs region on the international stage thereby giving the region and the people who live in it a clearly-defined pathway to an exciting, profitable and sustainable future.

Echidna Walkabout Pty Ltd
September 2019

The Terms of Reference for the project can be found here. 

Our public request for submissions can be found here.


1. Summary
2. Overview – International Wildlife Tourism & Conservation
3. BRANDING : Serendip and the You Yangs
4. Wildlife Tourism Hub – Major Upgrade to the Toynes Road Entrance
5. Community Ownership – the Koala Clancy Foundation
6. Climate Change
7. Aboriginal Culture & Tourism
8. Linking the You Yangs & Serendip
9. LINKS, NOTES & REFERENCES: importance of Wildlife Tourism to local communities and economies


You Yangs on Ray Mears TV UK
You Yangs koalas featured on a series of UK wildlife documentaries in 2017


2. Overview – International Wildlife Tourism & Conservation

This document was created by Echidna Walkabout as a guideline to GHD Advisory for the You Yangs Region Master Plan. In it we suggest important changes to the way that You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary are managed to increase the region’s potential for economic development through International Wildlife Tourism linked to other strategies. At the apex of this concept is the creation of a Conservation and Wildlife Tourism Zone  A map of the proposal can be viewed here.

We have dealt with specific details in the body of this submission however in this Overview we highlight issues we believe urgently need addressing in the region to allow for sustainable growth through Branding, a Wildlife Tourism Hub, Community Ownership, Climate Change, Aboriginal Culture, a physical link between Serendip and the You Yangs.

Solid supporting international reference works are provided at the end of this Overview in 9. LINKS, NOTES & REFERENCES.


3.  BRANDING: Serendip Sanctuary and the You Yangs

These two parks must be seen as inextricably linked not only due to their close proximity but also as they provide complementary attractions that reinforce the Brand Strategy for the region as defined only last year by the You Yangs Region Destination Promise for Tourism Greater Geelong and The Bellarine.

You Yangs Serendip on USA TV
Watching wild kangaroos at Serendip with Oprah Winfrey’s TV team in 2015

The branding paraphrased the region’s ‘offer’ as:

The You Yangs and surrounds offer the all natural exhilaration of a ‘wild and free’ oasis of (Australian) experiences, just a stone’s throw from the city.

The region must therefore become:

Victoria’s natural oasis in the urban jungle. A picturesque, untainted and
genuinely filmic region of Australia where native habitats, wildlife, cultures and communities, remain free to thrive and share their stories.

The defining principles of the brand are:

  • providing a natural oasis within easy reach of the Melbourne and Geelong.
  • wild and free connections to nature
  • ecological care and commitment to preservation (including responsible development)
  • a window into ancient and living/thriving indigenous culture

Using this Brand Strategy let’s turn to a plan that will help the brand become reality.


4. Wildlife Tourism Hub – Major Upgrade to the Toynes Road Entrance

The region requires a focus point: wildlife tourism can provide that focus. The proposed upgrade to the Toynes Road access on the eastern side of the You Yangs recognises the significance of this section of the park to wildlife conservation and wildlife tourism.

We believe this ‘hub’ will:

  • significantly raise the profile of the region for wildlife tourism
  • provide urgently needed facilities for conservation and wildlife tourism
  • help control vandalism in this section of the park
  • allow better access for emergency vehicles into the park

This document outlines a technique for creating the Hub (see APPENDIX 1C. Access & Wildlife Tourism Hub below)


You Yangs Koala Clancy on Australia instagram
The You Yangs’ most famous koala: Clancy on Australia’s instagram for Wild Koala Day 2018

5. Community Ownership: the Koala Clancy Foundation

Echidna Walkabout and our not-for-profit Koala Clancy Foundation, have been deeply involved in protecting, monitoring and conserving koalas in the You Yangs.

We have estimated that, at an absolute minimum, each koala in the You Yangs is worth $20,000 to tourism in the region.

Each tour gains insights and valuable research on the koalas in the park which is used to help understand the conservation needs of these marsupials. This research has allowed the Koala Clancy Foundation (KCF) to identify required conservation efforts for the ongoing protection of these very valuable animals.

A number of years ago KCF reached out and invited the local community to be involved in a major conservation, boneseed removal and tree planting program in and around the You Yangs. The response has been far more than we could ever expected with both townsfolk and farmers becoming involved. As a result:

  • Ninety percent of established noxious weed, Boneseed – a weed of national importance, has been removed in the 100 hectare Branding Yard area.  The secondary regrowth is now being targeted.  It is estimated that 1.5 million weeds have been removed by this program.
  • 7,500+ native trees have been planted by Koala Clancy Foundation in partnership with Melbourne Water along streams and rivers on the plains surrounding the You Yangs – these allow koalas access to high quality food sites and ensure the future of the species in the region.
  • Pride is growing in the region with regular highly-attended, booked-out Koala Conservation Days. The growth in attendance has increased exponentially with both locals and corporate involvement from companies including KPMG, Aesop, the Australian Defence Force, Get Lost Travel Group, Venture Advisory, Pearson Educational Publishing, British American Tobacco; and educational groups from Wyndham City Council, Albert Park College, Emmaus College, Deakin University, Rowville High School, Monash University and RMIT.
  • International support has come from unique sources including large financial contributions from some of the world’s largest cruise ship companies and numerous wholesale travel companies

We will continue with this very important outreach to the community with the clear aim of giving local people ownership of the koalas in the You Yangs.

community group volunteering YOu Yangs
Local community volunteer group in the You Yangs

map showing boneseed removal in You Yangs

tree planting by community volunteers near You Yangs
Native tree planting at Wurdi Youang by Koala Clancy Foundation volunteers


6. Climate Change

Over the past 20 years we have witnessed a dramatic downturn in the following natural systems in the You Yangs region:

  • Stream flows have reduced dramatically eg. Lake Serendip was usually full or had at least some water in it, now it is dry most of the time; waterholes and streams in the You Yangs that were reliable now rarely contain water,
  • Koala numbers in the You Yangs have plummeted by 46% in the decade 2007 to 2017 and continue to decline.
  • Vegetation is dying back or disappearing especially in the You Yangs. River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis, a long-lived species, and koala’s most preferred food tree in the You Yangs, is dying and declining across the Park.
  • Birds of dry schlerophyll woodlands are declining – particularly parrots, hollow-nesters including Laughing Kookaburras, Brown & White-throated Treecreepers; finches, insectivores including Scarlet Robin & Jacky Winter, and woodland specialists like Black-chinned Honeyeater & Yellow Thornbill.  See BirdLife Australia State of Australian Birds. 
  • Average day and night temperatures are increasing and annual rainfall is reducing
  • Extreme multi-day heat events are increasing and are having a serious impact on wildlife that stuck within the boundaries of the You Yangs park. This is particularly noticeable amongst arboreal mammals (koalas and possums) and smaller bird species
  • The Millennium Drought had an influence on the biodiversity of the region and there is reason to believe that complete recovery will not occur.

River Red Gum tree comparison 2008 to 2015 climate change killing trees
The same River Red Gum tree in the You Yangs 2008 to 2015. Many mature trees in the You Yangs have experienced similar climate change-induced dieback.

Koala decline graph You Yangs
Decline of wild koalas in one You Yangs research area over 11 years.

These are all the signs of Climate Change as predicted by the IPCC and are very concerning for the future of the You Yangs region, in particular with wildlife tourism.

The Climate Council of Australia’s recent report: Icons at Risk: Climate Change threatening Australian Tourism is a sobering investigation of major risks to tourism caused by higher temperatures, major shifts in weather patterns, lower rainfall over much of Australia, species loss and extinction and other factors.

Another issue which is of growing significance to inbound tourism is the carbon cost of international flights. ‘Flight shaming’ is a growing concern to international travellers ie, if you travel long distances by air you can be seen as a ‘carbon emitter’ or ‘carbon hog’ which is becoming more of a concern to many travellers, especially those from Europe and Scandinavia.

Recent Climate Strike marches across the world are a powerful indicator of the way people are feeling about human-induced increases in CO2 emissions. On tours our passengers often want to know what we are doing to reduce our emissions and care for the environment.

At Echidna Walkabout we are showing leadership with our “Conservation Travel: Help nature while you enjoy it” initiatives; plus we help resolve these issues in the following ways:

  • Koala Clancy Foundation & Echidna Walkabout are helping to recover damaged public land and vegetation, through weed removal and tree planting. Tree planting not only provides habitat for wildlife, but also these trees act as a carbon sink ie. they can be used as a carbon offset. Tour participants become directly involved in restoring koala habitat whilst on tour thereby assisting directly with koala conservation and adding value to the local economy by ensuring that koalas will continue to draw tourism dollars into the region in the future.
  • The high yielding international Wildlife Tourism market tends to reduce rather than increase numbers on a tour (2). As Melbourne and Geelong expand the You Yangs region is in danger of being ‘loved to death’ by visitors. Visitor numbers to the region have exploded over the past 10 years, doubling in some years. We advocate for fewer visitors, paying more for goods & services, staying longer and bringing higher benefit to the region, in terms of income and reduced impact on the parks and CO2 emissions.
  • In the Branding Yard area a water point was set up a number of years back to test if it can assist in supporting wildlife especially during extreme multi-day heat events.  This water point is filled by Echidna Walkabout staff on a weekly basis. We can show that wildlife is using this water point and that it is assisting the survival of both mammals and birds. This idea comes directly out of similar ideas in African national parks and should be expanded in the You Yangs.
  • Wildlife Tourism will assist the You Yangs region deal with Climate Change (3). This provides a significant and unique marketing identity for the region as it fits in well with people’s desire to travel responsibly and with the Brand Strategy discussed earlier.


7. Aboriginal Culture & Tourism

For the entire 26 year existence of Echidna Walkabout we have worked closely with Aboriginal People. Before the business began, we gained approval from the local elders of the Wathaurong People to operate in their region. Our operations were carefully monitored by them before they gave approval to our operations in 1993.

Since that time we have worked closely with the local Aboriginal community and have employed, and continue to employ, Aboriginal People as guides, drivers, koala researchers and as Aboriginal interpreters. We have also been involved in Aboriginal Employment forums in Geelong.

We have a meaningful ongoing relationship with a number of local Aboriginal People. One specific example of our work with the Aboriginal Community over many years is at the Wurdi Youang site on the plains east of the You Yangs where the Koala Clancy Foundation has planted thousands of trees along the Little River by invitation and in collaboration with the managers of that very important ceremonial site.

7a. Wurdi Youang

This site is extremely important and has significant potential to attract cultural tourism to the region. A number of detailed reports have been produced that detail how the site could be used for tourism, learning and training activities. We urge you to consider this information and suggest that a union between international wildlife tourism and Aboriginal tourism would be a big win for the region. We have shown that this type of collaboration works and endorse any action that increases respectful enhancement of Aboriginal tourism in the You Yangs region.

7b. Aboriginal employment opportunities

Great potential exists in the region for employment of Aboriginal People as follows:

  • Educators & Guides : we employ local Aboriginal People as Guides, Researchers and Educators. We’d like to see these activities expand so that Aboriginal People can continue to be trained into tourism.
  • ‘Bush Rangers’ : a support group could be set up to train Aboriginal People as Bush Rangers (ie Bush Guides). These people would learn about cross-cultural interpretation from both Indigenous and non-indigenous people. Along with existing Indigenous Knowledge these Bush Rangers would become both important interpreters of the You Yangs as well as a behind-the-scenes support team. Similar programs to this have worked in Kakadu National Park with some people working behind the scenes and others working with visitors.
  • Wildlife Research : we currently employ Koala Researchers, some of whom are Aboriginal People, to monitor and provide important field information on koalas identification, movements and home ranges in the You Yangs. This work is ongoing and significant and must continue.

We believe that Parks Victoria is well placed to assist with a Bush Ranger program that would help visitors to appreciate and understand the cultural significance of the You Yangs to Aboriginal People. This program would significantly enhance the current tourism offers into the region and would would also be a significant stepping stone for tours emanating out of Wurdi Youang.


8. Linking the You Yangs & Serendip Sanctuary

Various ideas and proposals have been put forward regarding a physical link or corridor between the You Yangs and Serendip Sanctuary. In the context of the You Yangs Region there is no doubting that this corridor is needed both for people and for wildlife. Here are our suggestions:

8a. Wildlife Corridor

A wildlife corridor should be created along the watercourse that runs out of the You Yangs just east of the Main Entrance to the park and southward to enter Serendip Sanctuary just west of the rear entrance gate on Plains Road.  Trees planted along watercourses are most likely to survive and provide refugia for wildlife.

A 50 metre wide corridor planting of native trees and shrubs (local to that area) could be planted along the watercourse.

Negotiations for the creation of the corridor would be carried out by the City of Greater Geelong and the planting done and maintained by the local community. Koala Clancy Foundation would be happy to help.

Special attention would need to be made to facilitate wildlife crossings at Plains and Branch Roads.

8b. Human Corridor

The corridor for human movement between the two parks could be combined with the Wildlife Corridor but should only be on the edge of the corridor (not in the middle) and only be for walking as bike riding may not be conducive to protecting wildlife.

Another option would be to create a bike path along Flinders Avenue.


(1) The World Bank : Growing Wildlife-Based Tourism Sustainably: A New Report and Q&A (2018)
“While wildlife and biodiversity are increasingly threatened by habitat loss and a lack of funding for protection, nature-based tourism is on the rise and could help provide solutions for these issues.
The publication Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods through Wildlife Tourism highlights successful wildlife tourism programs in seven countries in Africa and Asia that can be used as models to promote conservation and boost economies.
World Bank lead economist Richard Damania answers questions on the drivers, innovations and challenges for wildlife tourism, and why the World Bank Group and governments should support sustainable tourism strategies.”



(2) United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Towards Measuring the Economic Value of Wildlife Watching Tourism in Africa (2015)
Relevant Extract – page 3
“The exercise has also been successful in identifying key indicators related to wildlife watching tourism that assist in measuring the segment’s economic importance and potential growth. For instance, a typical wildlife watching tour involves on average a group of six people, lasts 10 days, has an average daily price per person of US$ 433 and captures an additional US$ 55 in out-of-pocket expenses per person, per day. The findings also indicated the differences between standard and luxury segments with the greatest variation being in both average daily price per person per day (US$ 753 for a luxury package and US$ 243 for a standard package) and in out-of-pocket expenditures (US$ 59 for a traveller on a luxury package and US$ 44 per person per day on a standard package). Little variation was found between the segments related to the size of the group or the average length of stay which seem to be consistent characteristics of the wildlife watching product instead of factors directly related to the comfort of the experience”




(3) The World Bank: Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods through Wildlife Tourism (2018)
Tourism is an engine for jobs, exports, and investments. The tourism sector is also the largest, global, market-based contributor to financing protected area systems. Nature-based tourism (NBT) is a sub-component of the tourism sector that includes wildlife-based tourism. NBT is a powerful tool countries can leverage to grow and diversify their economies while protecting their biodiversity, and contributing to many sustainable development goals (SDG). Local communities, private sector enterprises, and governments can also benefit from investments in tourism through increased market opportunities and linkages to tourism services such as agriculture production, hoteling, restaurants, transportation, health services, etc. This report explores innovative tourism partnership and investment opportunities to help countries unlock smart investment and grow tourism sustainably. It showcases sustainable wildlife tourism models from Botswana, India, Kenya, South Africa and many other countries and promotes solutions that offer insight into the wildlife based tourism sector as a mechanism for inclusive poverty reduction and global conservation.



(4) United Nations Environment Program (UNEP): Building a Wildlife Economy (2019)
“Recent decades have seen strong “country brands” emerge where nature, and nature-based tourism, are used to promote national values, appeal to investors, and generally increase the country or region’s international profile. Growth in tourism is typically accompanied by better economic performance overall: those countries with well-developed tourism sectors score better in a range of economic metrics including Foreign Direct Investment, exports, and employment. The positive perceptions that nature-based tourism branding generates therefore represent an important opportunity for African countries [and other countries] to market themselves to the world, and deliver a wider economic and political agenda.”


— End Overview —

The following two appendices deal separately with specific concepts for both the You Yangs and Serendip


APPENDIX 1: You Yangs

1a. Conservation & Wildlife Tourism Zone

We have proposed a Conservation and Wildlife Tourism Zone for the You Yangs. See map:

You Yangs proposed wildlife tourism conservation zone map

We suggest the following general principles for the management of this Zone:

  • The Zone should be managed with the express intention of securing the long term biodiversity of native wildlife and vegetation in the Zone allowing high quality international wildlife tourism to be carried out in the Zone
  • The Zone will be widely promoted in the region as a source of ongoing economic benefit to the region through employment and services to the tourism and associated industries. Wildlife should be promoted as an asset that needs protection if it is to produce viable economic outcomes (2)
  • Dog walking will continue to be allowed but all dogs MUST be on a leash and controlled. Special signage should be increased in the zone to explain the reasons for dog control.
  • In the Branding Yard section (inside the locked BYR gates) all human access will be on foot except for vehicles operated by LTO’s, PV and emergency vehicles.
  • No bikes or biking events in the Branding Yard section and no additional bike tracks within the entire Zone.
  • At least 3 artificial waterholes/sites be identified and located in the Branding Yard area and one in the Fawcetts Gully area (similar to sites found in wildlife tourism zones in east and southern African national parks that recognise that wildlife that has been cut off from movements by farming, clearing and other activities often require intervention in the form of artificial water sources.)
  • A major ongoing effort be undertaken to reduce goat and other feral animals in the Zone with particular attention placed on foxes and cats regardless of whether they re-infest.
  • Continuing eradication of Boneseed and other noxious weeds
  • Only low impact wildlife tours will be allowed in the Zone
  • A maximum number of LTO’s allowed access to the Zone
  • LTO’s may need to provide evidence of their conservation credentials/ethics to gain access to the Zone

1b. Gateway Towns – Lara and Little River

We have identified the east and south side of the You Yangs as having the greatest potential for wildlife tourism in the region. As such we therefore believe that the region requires town-based hubs as the proposed gateways to wildlife tourism. Both Little River and Lara are strong candidates for these hubs with Little River probably best located to act as the primary hub to the You Yangs east face and Lara to Serendip and the south face of the You Yangs.

These two towns are very different and are in separate Council areas which can be of benefit to both towns. Each will have different reasons and potential outcomes for being involved in Wildlife Tourism and each can gain significantly by being involved. It has been shown in a number of countries that the creation of protected wildlife tourism zones (be they publicly or privately operated) has a significant economic and social benefit to the wider community. (4)

1c. Access & Wildlife Tourism Hub

The main access to the You Yangs at present is the entrance off Branch Road. In the interests of increasing the park’s ability to handle international wildlife tourism here are our suggestions:

1c.1. Toynes Road Entrance upgrade

The Branding Yard area of the You Yangs is a significant and growing wildlife tourism precinct. We have proposed that this area become part of a Conservation and Wildlife Tourism Zone. Toynes Road gives direct access to this area and to some of the best wildlife in the wild viewing opportunities in the Melbourne/Geelong region. This is a brief outline of how this entrance can be upgraded to both increase the quality of wildlife tourism and reduce vandalism in this section of the park:

  • Work with City of Greater Geelong to upgrade Toynes Road to allow for better all-weather access to the Toynes Rd gate – ie. stabilise and upgrade the camber of the road surface, improve and upgrade culverts and drainage etc.(NB. roadside vegetation along Toynes Rd is important bird habitat; roadworks should minimise impact on this vegetation)
  • Also CoGG should assist with the creation of a new public carpark on the outside of the park in close proximity to Toynes Rd main gate (see 1h. Carparks)
  • Create a Tourism Support Hub (TSH) inside the park near the junction of the Toynes Road, Great Circle Drive and Branding Yard Road (north entrance). This TSH would be behind the existing locked gate at the entrance to Branding Yard Road north (not to be confused with the Toynes Rd gate) and would contain:
    – A picnic area (see 1f. Picnic areas)
    – A vehicle parking area suitable for mini coaches (see 1h. Car Parks)
    – A new toilet facility (see 1e. Toilets)
    The TSH would have two main zones:
    – one zone would be for licenced tour operators (and designated thus by signage)
    – the other zone would be for the general public
    – the toilet facility would be for both types of users
  • The Branding Yard Rd north gate would only be accessible by LTO’s, PV and emergency vehicles
  • If possible implement a new access gate system similar to the Branch Road Main Entrance gate at Toynes Road with access by phone number – the existing gate is very cumbersome
  • Continue to allow access to the Toynes Rd gate only to keyholders not to the general public.
  • Install a new pedestrian/bike access gate into the park at this entrance.

1c.2. Cressy Gully Road entrance upgrade

Cressy road is underutilised and could become a significant entrance to the park as it gives access to Great Circle Drive at an earlier point than Toynes Rd. An upgrade to this entrance, and the road itself (see Roads), would allow better access to the whole eastern side of the park. It would also facilitate easy access for Indigenous tours moving between Wurdi Youang and the eastern side of the You Yangs. Here are a few suggestions:

  • The entrance gate off Drysdale Rd should be closed for use (except by PV staff).
    Access to Cressy Gully should be re-routed via a locked gate accessible from the Drysdale Road Carpark. This gate should remain accessible to key holder only.
  • The gate at the junction of Cressy Gully Road and Great Circle Drive is dangerous. A flat stopping area for vehicles should be constructed on Cressy Gully Rd so that vehicles can stop temporarily while the gate is opened. This gate should remain locked and accessible only to keyholders.


1d. Roads

Roads in the park are in urgent need of upgrade and repair. Verges on the main entrance road/Turntable Drive are eroding badly and potholes form regularly after heavy rain. The same applies to Big Rock Road. Repairs and widening to the tarmac on both these roads should be a priority. Maximum speed on all roads in the park should be 40kph. Signage should point out the reason for speed controls with emphasis placed on the protection of wildlife assets living in the park. Other roads that we are interested in are discussed below:

1d.1 Great Circle Drive (GCD)

  • Any upgrades should be designed to ensure that the maximum speed on the drive is no greater than 40kph. This will ensure that wildlife is protected from car strike – this is particularly important in regards to koalas.
  • Signs should be erected to advise drivers to look out for wildlife and to advise of penalties for speeding
  • GCD should remain one way from the current start and finish points (NB suggestion below re updated access to the park from Toynes Rd and via Cressy Gully Rd
  • Cycle races must not be carried out on GCD


1d.2 Branding Yard Road (BYR)

This road is an important wildlife viewing access road

  • Vehicle access to BYR should remain limited to selected key holders
  • Maximum speed should be 20kph
  • Two way traffic should still be allowed on this road for it to be used successfully as a wildlife viewing road (I can provide reasons for this if required).
  • New gates should be installed at either end of BYR (see also 1c. Access & Wildlife Tourism Hub)
  • BYR requires very little upgrade except for the sloped section near the Bunjil Geoglyph, some general maintenance of drains and gutters and some very minor tree lopping to allow vehicles to move along the road
  • Maximum vehicle passenger capacity on BYR should be 25 people
  • No competitive bike riding should be allowed along Branding Yard Road

1d.3 Cressy Gully Road (CGR)

This road is currently highly vulnerable to erosion during heavy rain but could also be a valuable access point both for Wildlife Tours and Indigenous Cultural Tours

  • Consolidation and drainage works could improve the quality of CGR with some possible minor configurations/alignment also required
  • Access gates at either end of this road require attention as they are both dangerous and awkward to use (see Access). The gate allowing access onto GCD is particularly dangerous as vehicles must stop on a steep slope while drivers open the gate
  • Access should remain to authorised keyholders only

1e. Toilets

Conveniences in the park are at a very low state of repair with urgent upgrades and repairs required plus the establishment of a new toilet. These changes will bring the park into alignment with requirements by major cruise ship companies and tour operators as well as provide the general public with better and more hygienic facilities.

1e.1 Existing facilities

  • The Visitor Centre toilet should be replaced with a modern facility with a minimum of 6 women’s cubicles, a significantly larger men’s urinal and at 3 cubicles
  • The toilets at Kurrajong Picnic Area MUST be replaced urgently – quite simply they are a disgrace and a major health hazard. Water should also be supplied to these toilets if possible
  • The Big Rock toilet is relatively new and seems to be coping reasonably well
  • The Lower Picnic Ground toilet should be replaced with a similar structure to the one suggested for the Visitor Centre as it is a site visited by many people.
  • The Turntable Carpark facility needs and overhaul and possible upgrade as it does not appear to be able to cope with the large amount of traffic it receives
  • The Valley Picnic Ground toilet could do with an upgrade too

1e.2 Proposed new facility

Assuming that we enter the park from Toynes Rd (which we do): due to the one way direction of GCD we cannot stay longer than about an hour in the Branding Yard area before we need to head over to the Turntable area for passengers to find bathroom relief – we are then unable to return to Branding Yard without travelling around GCD. It’s worth noting here that the entire eastern side of the park has no bathroom facilities.

We therefore propose that a new bathroom facility be built at the following two locations:

  • Near the northern entrance to Branding Yard Road. This facility would be of a high quality and similar to the one at the Visitor Centre but with 3 cubicles for women, a urinal and 1 cubicle for men.
  • A second facility should be built near the location of a new picnic area in the Branding Yard Rd vicinity – if this picnic area is located near the north entrance to Branding Yard Rd a second toilet would not be required.

1f. Picnic areas

Picnic areas generally in the You Yangs are in urgent need of attention and upgrading. These are the key changes that we propose:

1f.1 Existing

The Kurrajong facility should be used as a basis for the design of other picnic areas. The tables and hard surface make the area very easy to use and the roof allows it to be used in most weather conditions. Similar set ups of a lesser and/or greater size should be created at the following locations – all should be roofed:

  • Big Rock Picnic Ground (possibly two at this location as it is heavily used)
  • Yellow-Gum Picnic Ground
  • Turntable Car Park??
  • Fawcetts Gully. Rotten and damaged picnic tables must be replaced urgently
  • The facility in the Lower Picnic Ground should be upgraded and duplicated.
  • The Valley Picnic Ground is one of the most beautiful in the park and could do with a significant upgrade both to the picnic tables themselves and to the toilet block. More trees and shrubs could be planted in the VPA. A larger groups picnic table with roof could also be placed in this area

Fireplaces should be removed entirely to protect the You Yangs from fire (we have extinguished numerous unattended fires in fireplaces in the You Yangs over the years)

1f.2 New Picnic areas – Branding Yard

Toynes Gate – Branding Yard: A significant picnic area should be created in a location close to Toynes Road entrance to the park. This would be roofed, set in a pleasant location and capable of seating 20 to 40 people under a roof (or roofs). The set up would be designed to:

  • accommodate small scale tour operations
  • have a nearby toilet
  • have a carpark big enough to accommodate minibuses
  • preferably have a watering point

A smaller ‘basic’ picnic area for 10 to 20 people should be created near the waterholes near the junction of Branding Yard Rd and Saddleback Track. This would also be roofed but would not require a toilet and would also be designed for tour groups.

1g. Cafe/food outlets

Some consideration and much debate has gone on over many years into whether a cafe or similar commercial outlet should be opened in the You Yangs. It is our contention that this would be possible as long as it is located directly inside the Branch Road entrance to park on the east side of the entrance road between the Duck Ponds School and Branch Road. The Duck Ponds School could be associated with the cafe but not necessarily incorporated into the structure. A significant car park will be required to be built either just outside the park or just within it for cars using the cafe. The cafe should close when the park closes.

1h. Carparks

Car parking in the You Yangs has become a significant problem as visitor numbers increase and existing carparks degrade. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Visitor Centre – urgently needs to be redefined consolidated with a non erosive surface. A large bus/coach parking area for short term parking for at least one large coach needs to be defined
  • Yellow Gums – needs to be repaired, surfaced consolidated and the two access points better defined and widened
  • Lower Picnic Ground – is subject to major erosion after heavy rain which can make certain section of the carpark unuseable. This entire area needs to be hard surfaced with defined parking bays
  • Big Rock – this carpark gives access to a major Aborignal site and is an important picnic ground. Because it is located at a dead end the Big Rock carpark can be problematic especially for larger tour vehicles (coaches). The turntable at the end of the road is not big enough to accommodate a large coach and needs to be big enough to allow a large coach to turn around. The small vehicle carparks should be sealed and parking bays defined.
  • Kurrajong – once again this carpark is subject to erosion after heavy rain and should be consolidated


APPENDIX 2: Serendip Sanctuary

map of Serendip Sanctuary near You Yangs

2a. Wildlife Tourism & Conservation

Serendip Sanctuary is a major component of the Wildlife Tourism in the region – it has been described as “the pendulum that keeps the You Yangs clock ticking”. The significance of the sanctuary to the region cannot be overemphasised especially its population of wild Eastern-grey kangaroos – these macropods – and the sanctuary as a whole – are a critical component of our tours and have been for over 26 years.

It is vital to our operation that Serendip retains its raw and wild feeling and that the kangaroos are allowed to keep roaming in the park (we do understand that at times there may need to be some controls put in place to ensure that the kangaroo population does not get too high) Any changes that upset the fine balance that the kangaroos of Serendip have with the park and its environs will almost certainly mean that they will leave and that will be the end of our use of the sanctuary and possibly the region as a whole – that is how important Serendip is!

Here are some preliminary thoughts on how the Sanctuary should be used in the future:

  • Many parts of the park have a “wild and remote” feel (as described by international tourists) and it is important that this feeling is retained, especially on the western side of the park
  • The current grasslands must be retained. This means that no further tree planting should occur in the park. Over the past decade large swathes of the sanctuary have been planted with trees wiping out grasslands that we used.
  • There has been talk of a walking/bike route through Serendip. To avoid disturbing wildlife we do not believe that a bike or walking path contiguous with the outside of the park should be constructed through the sanctuary UNLESS it follows a route that avoids the front entrance paddock and keeps east of the lake (ie. does not use the western section of the ring road). The exit point could be near the rear gate on Plains Rd.
  • Most importantly, Serendip is a Sanctuary and must NOT be considered as an adventure destination for bikers, joggers or runners or as a multi-use public park for events, music festivals etc. If this happens the park will lose its integrity. Serendip has always been, and should remain, a peaceful haven for wildlife watching and appreciation and must remain that way for it to be of any benefit to wildlife tourism. See the section about Branding on the first page of this document for more details on how this works.
  • The Ring Road should remain available only to LTO vehicles and PV staff
  • The front entrance paddock should continue to be available to LTO’s only with no modifications at all. This paddock is vital to our cruise ship operations.
  • The western side of the sanctuary is used primarily by our small group tours and is a place where our guests and guides can lose themselves in the beauty of the Australian bush.
  • Serendip has a long history of conserving endangered wildlife and plants – this part of its activities should be reawakened and built upon as many visitors to the sanctuary would be happy to meet, be involved with and look into the conservation efforts of the facility. Many of our guests would pay to see and learn about these activities.
  • Serendip urgently needs to consider upgrading its staffing to include a number of ‘roving guides’ who will help people appreciate the place by taking guided walks through the enclosures and helping both young and old understand how important biodiversity and conservation are. (see also Aboriginal employment)
  • The ‘walk through’ areas of Serendip are degrading rapidly which is a travesty in the making as they showcase some of our least seen and most important wildlife of the region. These areas urgently need repairs and upgrades.
  • Weed and pest control is a serious problem for Serendip and must be undertaken.
  • Funding to undertake this important work should be a priority
  • Water is the key to Serendip’s success – every effort should be made to ensure that sanctuary has an ongoing supply of both surface and underground water.

aerial photograph of Serendip Sanctuary 2019
Aerial photograph of Serendip Sanctuary 2019. Note encroachment by housing, and how formerly-extensive grasslands and water in Lake Serendip have almost disappeared.

2b. Access

The sanctuary is primarily accessible from Windemere Road but there is another very useful access point from the rear of the park off Plains Road. Here are some ideas:

  • The front gate at Serendip should be replaced with the same type of gate used at the main entrance to the You Yangs. As we regularly use the park after closing hours this would make access far easier and require less keys.
  • The rear entrance to the park is currently protected using a very badly damaged gate and grid. This should be upgraded to a reinforced heavy duty gate and the gate posts moved further apart to allow larger vehicle access to this entrance. This would benefit both wildlife tourism and assist with egress in the case of bushfire.
  • Both access points should be only available to confirmed keyholders including LTO’s who have been vetted to ensure they will care for the sanctuary when it is unstaffed.

2c. Roads & fences

The Ring Road is holding up reasonably well for our tour vehicles however we’d like to suggest a few modifications/upgrades:

  • The turn beside the works shed is very tight. Can this turn be made less difficult by removing some of the obstacles in this area?
  • The drain under the Ring Road on the northernmost section of the road is subject to erosion after rain and could be widened a little if possible
  • There are too many fences and enclosures that do nothing in the sanctuary, many of which should be removed as they are unsightly, however the fences around the front entrance paddock and the public picnic area should remain to prevent unwanted access to sensitive wildlife viewing zones

2d. Toilets

The main carpark toilet urgently requires an upgrade; tiles are falling off the walls, toilets regularly become blocked and there are not enough cubicles. We suggest that the existing block be extended and renovated or replaced. There should be at least 6 cubicles in the woman’s toilet and 3 in the mens room plus a large urinal. There should also be much better serviced handwashing facilities and at least 2 external drinking fountains.

2e. Picnic areas

Main Carpark – this picnic area needs renovations to tables and seating and possibly an extension to the current covered area.

Dedicated Group BBQ area for tours – this area is extremely important to us as a tour operator and has been left to disintegrate over the years. It requires a major overhaul with particular attention to:

  • The privacy fence – it should be repaired to keep the natural ‘boma’ feel
  • Tables and chairs need to be updated for up to 40 people
  • New roof to cover at least 25 people – possible ‘sail’ type?
  • This area should only available to pre-booked groups and therefore lockable
  • Access from the main carpark to this area should be available (with a locked gate to ensure others do not use it)

NEW Large Group Area – in the cruise ship season we regularly bring up to 120 people into the sanctuary for lunches and occasional dinners. At present we arrange for a marquee to be erected in the main carpark however if a dedicated area could be set aside, not too far from the toilet block, to do this it would make life much easier. We’d like to work with PV to bring this to fruition.

2f. Cafe/food outlet

There is little doubt that a cafe within Serendip would be profitable but it would need to be very carefully sited so that it did not interfere with the wonderful wild feel of the sanctuary. A good location for this could be to the north of the Eastern-barred Bandicoot enclosure beside the entrance walk looking over the duck ponds OR where the old office building was. It should not be too far from the toilets or, if that is unavoidable, a new toilet facility may be needed.

A cafe that could cater for 40 to 50 people would definitely be of interest to the tourism industry as long as it is low key, quiet, well designed and provides good quality meals.

2g. Carpark

The current main carpark at Serendip works reasonably well. The main matter that we are interested in is that we will continue to have access to the north eastern section of the carpark for our marquees for large groups.

A brief history of Echidna Walkabout’s involvement in the lead up to the Business Plan.

This history may throw some light on the when, where, why and how of the report.

8th March 2017 – First major email to Justin Vaughan (Manager Visitor Planning and Visitor Engagement and Conservation Division – Parks Victoria) about our proposal. As an historical record this is an important document, (note that preliminary discussions about this matter began in the Winter of 2016). A map of the proposed Conservation and Wildlife Tourism Zone was included with this email

15th March 2018 – A number of meetings occurred in the ensuing year including a joint meeting on this date between the Directors of Echidna Walkabout and Ministerial Advisors to the Minister for Tourism and the Minister for the Environment.

5th September 2018 – A 2 page Summary of Potential titled “Conservation & Wildlife Tourism Zone” was submitted to the Minister for Tourism, John Eren as required by the Minister for the Environment. Also included in the Summary was the original map along with numerous high quality links that gave weight to the proposal

4th October 2018Response from Minister Eren to the above

8th June 2019 – One of Echidna Walkabout’s most significant emails to Paul Wallace (District Manager Western Basalt Region – Parks Victoria). Sent just prior to GHD being awarded the contract to produce the Master Plan. Here we voice – once again – our concern that International Wildlife Tourism is not mentioned in any supporting information about the Master Plan.

Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 10 to 13 February 2019

Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 10 to 13 February 2019

Highlights of this journey to far East Gippsland:

Reptiles Lowlands Copperhead (Austrelaps superbus), Jacky Lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus), Copper-tailed Skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus), Yellow-bellied Water Skink (Eulamprus heatwolei) and Gippsland Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii howittii).

Wildlife Journey checklist Yellow-bellied Water Skink
Yellow-bellied Water Skink

Flying-foxes Bairnsdale February 2019
Grey-headed Flying-foxes at Bairnsdale, Day 4

Mammals Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus), Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus), Platypus (Ornithorhychus anatinus), Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), Bare-nosed Wombat (Vombatus ursinus) and Common Brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula).

Wildlife Journey checklist Echidna
Echidna at Raymond Island

Birds particularly Musk Lorikeets (Glossopsitta concinna), Australian King-Parrots (Alisterus scapularis), Gang-gang Cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum), Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides), Black-faced Cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscescens), Superb Lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae), Satin Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus). 

Australian King-Parrot juvenile
Juvenile King-Parrot at Buchan

Wildlife Guide: Martin Maderthaner
Areas visited: Orbost, Marlo, Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Beach, Raymond Island, Cape Conran Coastal Park, Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve, Lake Tyers Forest, Snowy River National Park, Buchan Caves Reserve, Croajingolong National Park, The Lakes National Park.

For more pics go to:

Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019: Gang Gangs

Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019Wildlife Journey checklist February 2019



Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 3 to 6 March 2019

Highlights of this journey to far East Gippsland:




Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus), Red-necked Wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus), Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and Common Brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula) Swamp Wallaby (Wallabia bicolor)


Goanna (Lace Monitor Varanus varius), Jacky Lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus), Gippsland Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii howittii) and Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus)

Wildlife Journey checklist March 2019 Nankeen Night-heron


Freckled Duck (Stictonetta naevosa), Blue-billed Duck (Oxyura australis), Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morphnoides), Sooty Oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus), Red-necked Stint, Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides), and heard both Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) and Barn Owl, Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus), Gang-gang (Callocephalon fimbriatum), Spotted Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma punctatum), White-eared Honeyeater, Superb Lyrebird, Large-billed Scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostra), Jacky Winter, Nankeen Night-heron, many Australian King-Parrots, and a big flock of Red-necked Avocet (Recurvirostra novaehollandiae) on the Snowy River flats.

Wildlife Journey checklist March 2019

Wildlife Guide: Janine Duffy

Areas visited: Orbost, Marlo, Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Beach, Raymond Island, Cape Conran Coastal Park, Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve, Lake Tyers Forest, Snowy River National Park, Buchan Caves Reserve, Croajingolong National Park, The Lakes National Park.


For more pics go to:







Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 6 to 9 January 2019

Wildlife Journey Species Checklist 6 to 9 January 2019

Highlights of this journey to far East Gippsland:
Reptiles: Goanna (Lace Monitor Varanus varius), Jacky Lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus), Gippsland Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii howittii) Copper-tailed Skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus) and Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus).
Mammals: Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus), Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus), Red-necked Wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus), Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and Swamp Wallaby (Wallabia bicolor).
Birds: Peaceful Dove (Geopelia placida), Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua),  Hooded Plover (Thinornis cucullatus), Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax), White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), Nankeen Night-heron (Nycticorax caledonicus), Little Tern (Sternula albifrons), Spotted Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma punctatum), Australasian Gannet, Mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) and Superb Lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae). 

Wildlife Guide: Janine Duffy
Areas visited: Orbost, Marlo, Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Beach, Raymond Island, Cape Conran Coastal Park, Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve, Lake Tyers Forest, Snowy River National Park, Buchan Caves Reserve, Croajingolong National Park, The Lakes National Park.

For more pics go to:

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019

Wildlife Journey checklist January 2019


Rare rainforest pigeons around Mallacoota

Rare rainforest pigeons around Mallacoota

Dowell Creek is the largest expanse of warm temperate rainforest accessible from Mallacoota.

It is possibly the most likely site for rare rainforest pigeons in Victoria. Dowell Creek rainforest contains several plants that Rose-crowned & Superb Fruit-doves, Brown Cuckoo-dove, Topknot Pigeon & Pacific Emerald Dove are known to eat elsewhere in their range: Lilly Pilly Syzygium smithii; Sandpaper Fig Ficus coronata; Water Vine Cissus hypoglauca; Native Bramble Rubus sp., Muttonwood Myrsine howittiana & Sweet Pittosporum Pittosporum undulatum. Dowell Creek may contain some southern species that may be a food source: Pencilwood* Polyscias murrayi, Yellow wood* Acronychia oblongifolia and Blue Olive-berry* Eleocarpus reticulatus.

More information about fruits eaten by Australian rainforest pigeons:

Some species of rainforest pigeon have been recorded in East Gippsland in the past (Rose-crowned & Superb Fruit-dove, Emerald Dove), and others seem to be becoming more frequent: Topknot Pigeon, Brown Cuckoo-dove.

The bird diversity at the site is already impressive in just four visits: 73 species in 4 checklists. Both rainforest and dry woodland species seem to be present. Channel-billed Cuckoo was heard on our first visit in November 2018, along with typical wet forest birds like Black-faced Monarch, Superb Lyrebird, Satin Bowerbird, Rose Robin, Brown Gerygone, Olive Whistler and Wonga Pigeon. In contrast, Rufous Whistler, White-winged Triller, Jacky Winter and Australian Pipit – all dry woodland or open country birds – are also seen.

warm temperate rainforest Dowell Creek Croajingolong
Warm temperate rainforest in Dowell Creek covered in vines

About Dowell Creek:

Dowell Creek is located on the northern side of Mallacoota Inlet, East Gippsland Victoria, and is part of Croajingolong National Park. The creek starts just over the border in New South Wales, just south of Royd’s Creek Road and Mines Road, in Nadgee Nature Reserve. The entire catchment of Dowell Creek is contained within Nadgee Nature Reserve (NSW) and Croajingolong National Park (VIC).

Dowell Creek rainforest map Mallacoota East Gippsland

The area is managed as a Special Protection Area within Croajingolong NP (according to the 1996 Croajingolong Management Plan) but walking is allowed, with conditions (that I can’t find).  As there are no signs restricting access, I think its safe to assume you can walk carefully along formed tracks.

There is a small private property on the western side of Dowell Creek near its mouth, but a strip of creek reserve can be accessed easily by boat, and there’s no need to trespass on private land. The rainforest is all within Croajingolong National Park.

Dowell Creek rainforest Mallacoota Victoria

How to get there:

Hire a boat from Mallacoota Hire Boats (Grant Cockburn):   T: 0438 447 558

The 5m powerboat (does not require a boat license) costs $180 for 8 hours. Best to call the day before to check availability and arrange the earliest start.

Earliest hire starts at 8am. It takes about 1.5 hours to get to Dowell Creek. From the jetty at Coull’s Inlet head north-east towards Fairhaven, past Allen Head. Continue up to Dowell Creek – when you see the twin white posts leading to Marshmead (Harrisons Creek) you’re nearly there.

Dowell Creek mouth is supposedly permanently open. It was open and navigable at low tide in May 2019, with the Inlet open to the sea. Cruise gently and carefully along Dowell Creek – there are some trees and snags in the creek.

About 1km along you will see open farmland and a low marshland on the west bank. You can pull in and tie up anywhere along here.

Dowell Creek rainforest walk map Croajingolong East Gippsland

About the walk:

Walk total: about 1.5km each way. Grade: very easy, but with some wet patches after rain.

Walk north on the creek side of the fence as far as you can go. There is a boggy patch, but there is a stile over the fence if you need it. After one kilometre the creek and the fence turns suddenly west. You can walk along the fenceline to a ford across the creek. The first rainforest trees appear along the creek here.

Dowell Creek mature warm temperate rainforest East Gippsland

Dowell Creek rainforest Victoria

mature warm temperate rainforest Mallacoota East Gippsland

Heading north again there is a vehicle track – you are now in national park. Dowell Creek curves around in a big westerly arc and after a few hundred metres you cross it again (there are stepping stones in the gully). Ahead there is an area of cleared land that has trees planted through it, and the main rainforest is to the north east.


On the map the rough location of a large Sandpaper Fig is shown – this huge tree was covered in undeveloped fruit in November 2018 and December 2019. You can see the top of it from the cleared land and vehicle track.

Ficus coronata fruit Dowell Creek Mallacoota
Sandpaper Fig covered in fruit in November 2018

sandpaper fig ficus coronata east gippsland victoria

Best time to visit Dowell Creek Rainforest:

Best time to visit for rainforest pigeons would presumably be when the best fruit is available. But other factors (availability of fruit on their migration route, drought elsewhere) may also come into play. Past records of RCFC, SFD & PED are few, and seem to have no pattern, but BCD have been observed more often in Spring (Aug-Nov) in East Gippsland. But observations occur in all months in southern New South Wales.

Warm temperate rainforest plants in this region can flower and fruit at almost any time of year, and each species has a different period from flower to ripe fruit, which adds to the complexity.

I am trying to keep a record of flowering and fruiting times of some potential feed plants in East Gippsland in the hope of predicting good times to visit:

I would welcome other’s observations of flowering and fruiting of these plants to add to the spreadsheet. Please send to – you will be credited.


At this stage, I am guessing that the best time to visit Dowell Creek in search of rainforest pigeons and special vagrants would be January-February when the Sandpaper Fig is in full fruit.  Also April-May-June when Lilly Pilly, Water Vine & Jasmine Morinda are in fruit.

But any time could be good, and sightings (especially if entered on, Victorian Biodiversity Atlas or Birdata) would add to our knowledge of this area.

eBird Hotspot: Croajingolong National Park–Dowell Creek


Read our latest Trip Report here for a list of sightings and flowering/fruiting. 



* We have not yet identified Pencilwood & Yellow wood in Dowell Creek – Pencilwood is known to occur there, Yellow wood is not recorded but may be present.  Blue Olive-berry is almost certainly present, but its not known if rainforest pigeons eat it.

Victorian Heritage Listing of Sandpaper Fig Ficus coronata on Harrisons Creek (Marshmead), Croajingolong:

Results of “Bush Blitz” November/December 2016 at sites east of Mallacoota including Dowell Creek:

Croajingolong National Park Management Plan:

Mallacoota Inlet boat cruising guide:

Mallacoota Pelagic 14 May 2019

Mallacoota Pelagic 14 May 2019

Trip Report: Mallacoota Pelagic 14 May 2019

An exploratory first trip out to the shelf on a small Mallacoota-based charter boat. [Some extra information included here for any birders planning to organise a similar trip themselves, which I recommend]. 

Observers: Rohan Clarke, Roger Smith, Janine Duffy (organiser/report writer).

Boat: Gabo Island Escapes 28 foot boat with twin 225 hp outboard motors and small cabin. Boat licensed for 7+2, skipper happy to take 6 passengers on a trip like this. Skipper: Kevin Lott; Deckhand: also a Kevin. Outfit were very professional and safe, and are fully licensed for trips to the shelf. Phone: 0437221694

Cost: $770 total for charter. Berley included. May vary in high season or with higher numbers – I didn’t ask.

Weather: Clear, bright and sunny. Primary swell from south west to 2m. Wind from west at around 10 knots (at Gabo). Skipper was unconcerned and confident in these conditions, and boat could handle worse.

yellow-nosed albatross mallacoota pelagic
A Yellow-nosed Albatross

Activity: Departed Bastion Point boat ramp at 07.30. Headed southeast at a good speed. First stop at 09.15 at depth 207m. Moved on southeast after 45 minutes. Stopped again at 10.35 at 518m depth. Stayed about an hour, drifted to 570m depth. Started return journey at +/-11.30, headed for Tullaberga Island. Circumnavigated Tullaberga from 13.10-13.15, then headed back, arriving Bastion Point at 13.30.

Route: Southeast from Mallacoota to first stop: 37°44’51.3″S 150°05’39.4″E, second stop: 37°49’16.1″S 150°06’31.1″E
Returned via Tullaberga Island (did not land).

mallacoota pelagic birds 14 may 2019

[note: location of Merimbula – Mallacoota Pelagic March 2018 shown – that trip had slightly higher bird diversity, a great albatross, one more storm-petrel, a pterodroma and a procellaria petrel.  See eBird checklist:]

Birds: 21 species, thanks mostly to Rohan. Many were distant and quick.

Arctic Jaeger: 1 flew past at distance.

Sooty Oystercatcher: 2 on Tullaberga Island

Silver Gull: 8 at sea, another 7 Tullaberga Island

Crested Tern: 10, seen throughout.

Little Penguin: 5,  close to shore.

Yellow-nosed Albatross: 16, first few albatross we saw closest to shore.

Shy Albatross: 60, seen throughout trip.

Black-browed Albatross: 2, on way back in.

Bullers Albatross: 2, quick flybys

Wilson’s Storm-petrel: 12, several stayed near boat for extended periods.

Fairy Prion: 90

Antarctic Prion: 1

Sooty Shearwater: 1 on way back in

Short-tailed Shearwater: 1 on way back in.

Fluttering Shearwater: 1 pelagic at 2nd stop

Australian Gannet: 65 at sea, another 6 near Tullaberga Island. Several juveniles.

Black-faced Cormorant: 2 at sea, another 130 off Tullaberga Island

Great Cormorant: 1 at sea, another 8 Tullaberga Island

Little Pied Cormorant: 3 at Tullaberga Island

White-bellied Sea-Eagle: 1 immature at Tullaberga Island

white-bellied sea eagle
Immature White-bellied Sea-eagle on the rocks at Tullaberga Island


Australian Fur-seals: 2, cavorted in berley slick for a bit.

Comfort: trip was very comfortable on way out, but quite rough and wet on way back in. If full (6+2) the cabin would have been cramped and some passengers might have got quite wet. Bring wet weather gear.

Berley: supplied by boat operator and distributed by deckhand. They had a range of frozen fish and tuna oil. Rohan gave them a few tips for future: small pieces, less often. Chicken skin may be good to include.

Conclusion: It was a quiet day for birding but species richness was not bad. Trip is worth repeating a few times in different seasons to see if birding improves. Considering that the location was just 5-15km south of location reached on March 2018 Merimbula-Mallacoota Pelagic, and at similar depth, and bird diversity on that trip was a bit higher, this trip may reflect a slow time of year.

Rohan recommended we try again, and December-January may be a good time.


Please feel welcome to contact me if you need more information:

black-faced  great cormorants Tullaberga near Mallacoota Pelagic
Black-faced and Great Cormorants on Tullaberga Island

The only hope for our wild koalas is The Greens

The only hope for our wild koalas is The Greens

A personal perspective, from a wild koala researcher.

I’ve been working with wild koalas most of my life. For the first 15 years, it was pure joy. The last 13 years has been a mixture of sadness, desperation, fear, and brief moments of joy.

Climate change is killing my life’s work.

I first noticed that my wild koala population was declining before 2005. I didn’t know why – there were plenty of trees, the climate was mild*. Then in 2006 we had a bushfire rip through our koala community and everything stopped for me.

It took me 2 years to recover from deep sadness, from breaking down in tears for no reason. We started again, in the You Yangs, but I was terrified of fire. All I could think about was how to prevent that soul-eating, happiness-destroying event from ever happening again.

Its been 13 years, and we haven’t had a fire. But we’re living through a catastrophe that I couldn’t have imagined.

Greens will act on climate change


Climate change is killing the thing I love best.

In 2008 a scientific paper came out that showed what was killing my koalas. It was climate change. Clear and unequivocal. Carbon dioxide is stripping the nutrition out of the leaves. Heat and dryness are reducing the water content. Koalas will starve.

“I’m sure we’ll see koalas disappearing from their current range even though we don’t see any change in tree species or structure of the forests.“ Emeritus Professor Ian Hume, University of Sydney, 2008

In 2009 – 2010 we lost a third of our wild You Yangs koalas. It was the fourteenth year of the worst drought in Australia’s history. Once again, I was helpless to save them.

We had a reprieve in late 2010 with decent rains. But we are back in drought, worse than before, because the forest never fully recovered.

Wild Koalas need the Greens
Young male koala Lluvia stares at a drying waterhole in the You Yangs

When I walk through the forest now I see dying trees. Hundreds of them. Dying from dryness. I can’t water them – they are 100 to 400 year old eucalypts, with vast root systems underground.

In 2016 we started planting trees in river systems around the You Yangs. They will only take five years to grow big enough to feed a koala. If we plant many thousands of trees, the koalas of the You Yangs will move down the gullies and live there. It might give them another 5 or 10 years.

By 2030 the climate needs to be starting to improve, or else my koalas won’t make it, no matter how many trees we plant. That means we need to stop emissions today.

In Australia, our only hope for wild koalas is The Greens, in this election.

The Greens will take action on emissions.  The Greens will listen to the scientists who will tell them how to take action on climate change.  They will do that because they are not corrupt.  They’re not perfect, but they are not corrupt.

Greens are not corrupt

Please Australia, stop quibbling over perfection. No political party is perfect. Stop worrying about ‘wasted votes’. There are no wasted votes – every vote is noticed by the winner, especially by the ones that win by a narrow margin. Stop worrying about who’s a vegan, or immigration policies, or death duties – none of these will matter on a dead planet.

Greens will save koalas

Please don’t tell me you’re not interested in politics. That is what the bad guys want you to say, because then they can rely on you to do nothing.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (people) to do nothing” Edmund Burke, 1795

There’s no time to do nothing. There’s no time.


{note from the Author: I don’t do this lightly.  I don’t want to tell anyone how to vote.  But this has gone way past politeness.  I have looked climate change in the face, and it is more terrifying than you could believe.}

*actually the climate wasn’t that mild – it was 8 years into the Millenium Drought, but it seemed okay at the time


Professor Ian Hume’s research: